
Bulletin of National University of Uzbekistan: Mathematics and Natural Sciences


The article presents data on the spread of root-knot nematodes on crops, harm and host plants in the conditions of the Tashkent oasis. It has been established that 5 species of root nematodes are found in cultivated and wild plants - Meloidogyne javanica, M. arenaria, M. incognita, M. acrita, M. plum, which are common in vegetables and melons and cause great damage to these plants. Nematode M.javanica was found in the roots of plants such as sunflower, cabbage, watermelon, cucumber, pumpkin, zucchini, melon, corn, tomato, beets, eggplant and carrots, in the foci of infection of the plant 20-60 %, the level of damage to the root system is 4-5 points; damage to plants such as cucumber, pumpkin, tomato and potato by the nematode M. arenaria is 20-60 %, damage to the root system is 4-5 points, damage to sunflower, radish and dill is 20-35 %, damage to the root system is 1.0-2.8 points, the damage to plants such as clover and onions was 15-20 %. Damage to plants such as beets, cabbage, pumpkin, melon, beans, onions, hot peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and celery by the M. incognita nematode was 30-45 %, the damage to the root system was 3-5 points; damage to plants such as tomato, cucumber, watermelon, melon and beans was 50-80 %, damage to the root system was 3-4 points, and plants such as corn, clover and wheat were not damaged by nematodes. Damage to plants such as sunflower, radish, and tomato nematode M. hapla was 3-4 points, damage to the roots of clover and peanuts was 1 point. Nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne were found in 82 species of cultivated and wild plants belonging to 24 families, including 31 species of agricultural plants, 51 species of wild plants, of which 31 species are host plants of root nematodes, discovered for the first time in Uzbekistan. Due to the high prevalence and great damage to nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne in agricultural crops, preventive and agrotechnical measures have been developed and recommended to combat these dangerous parasites.

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