
Bulletin of National University of Uzbekistan: Mathematics and Natural Sciences


Today, around the world as a result of the activities of industrial enterprises, mining, their use, as well as other anthropogenic factors, there is a chemical pollution of the soil cover, a change in soil properties and fertility. Pollution of soils of various types leads to the formation of problems such as soil degradation, a decrease in the qualitative and quantitative level of fertility, as well as other problems associated with the ecosystem. Today, the urgent task is to create remediation measures for soils contaminated to varying degrees with oil and oil products, corresponding to the climatic conditions of the territory. Actual problems are studying the state of pollution by sources, for reclamation of soils contaminated with oil and oil products in the desert zone, their difference, determining the physicochemical, agrochemical, microbiological, biological properties of soils, separation of factors, algorithms, stages of restoration, the choice of measures taking into account the properties of soils and the nature of pollution, periods of reclamation processes, development of primary indicators and factors of soil fertility restoration, analysis of the temporary state of contaminated soils, the creation of cartograms for predicting the future state of soil pollution, the appointment of measures for the rational use of land resources based on the data obtained.

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1. Smolnikova V.V., Dementieva D.M., Dementiev M.S. Features of bioremediation of oil-contaminated soils. Bulletin of the Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1219-1221 (2011).

2. Gorlenko M.V., Soprunova O.B., Shadrina O.I., Terekhov A.S. A comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of remediation of oil-contaminated soils by an introduced cyanobacterial community. Moscow University Physics Bulletin, Vol. 5, No. 3, 38-44 (2006).

3. Stepanova A.Yu., Orlova E.V., Tereshonok D.V., Dolgikh Yu.I. Obtaining transgenic plants of alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) to increase the efficiency of phytoremediation of oil-contaminated soils. Ecological Genetics, Vol. 3, No. 5, 127-135 (2015).

4. Dana B, Al-Duwaisan D.B., Al-Naseem A.A. Characterization of oil contaminated soil. 2nd International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology IPCBEE, Singapore, Vol.2, No. 5, 439-442 (2011).

5. Ujowundu C.O., Kalu F.N., Nwaoguikpe R.N., Kalu O.I., Ihejirika C.E., Nwosunjoku E.C., Okechukwu R.I. Biochemical and physical characterization of diesel petroleum contaminated soil in southeastern Nigeria. Research Journal of Chemical Sciences, Vol. 1(8), No. 4, 57-62 (2011).

6. Shamiyan RK, Nirmal J.K, Kumar R.K, Patel J. Physicochemical properties, heavy metal content and fungal characterization of an old gasoline-contaminated soil site in Anand, Gujarat, India. Environmental and Experimental Biology, Vol. 11, No. 10, 137-143 (2013).

7. Kerimov S.V. Ecological assessment of technogenic contaminated lands of the Zykh-Govsany oilfield and methods for their comprehensive cleaning. Abstract. dis. ... cand. biol. sciences. - M.: RGAUMSHA. (2010). - 28 pp.

8. Ganeev I.G., Kulagin A.A. Remediation and restoration of technologically degraded lands. Bulletin of the Orenburg State University, Orenburg, Vol. 4, No. 6, 554-557 (2009).

9. Avetov N.A., Shishkonakova E.A. Phytoindication of moisture and supply with nutrients (trophicity) of oil-contaminated soils of the Middle Ob region. Moscow University Physics Bulletin, Moscow, Vol. 1, No. 1, 10-13 (2008).

10. Stepanov A.L., Tsvetnova O.B., Panikov S.N. Evaluation of the microbial transformation of nitrogen and carbon under conditions of oil and radioactive contamination. Bulletin of Moscow University, Moscow, Vol. 4, No. 4, 46-50 (2009).

11. Sharkova S. Yu., Polyanskova E. A., Parfenova E. A. The state of the microbial complex of soils during oil pollution. Bulletin of the Penza State Pedagogical University. Penza, Vol. 5, No. 25, 614-620 (2011).

12. Ibragimova S.T., Aitkldieva S.A., Kurmanbaev A.A., Fayzulina E.R. The effect of oil pollution on the enzymatic activity of soils of the genatalap, kumkol, aktas deposits. News of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, - Almaty, Vol. 4, No.1, 21-25 (2009).

13. Novoselova E.I., Kireeva N.A., Garipova M.I. The role of the enzymatic activity of soils in the exercise of its trophic function under oil pollution. Bulletin of the Bashkir University, Ufa. Vol. 2, No. 3, 474-479 (2014).

14. Wyszkowska J., Kucharski J. Biochemical properties of soil contaminated by petrol. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, Vol. 9, No. 6, 479-485 (2000).

15. Mazanko M.S., Denisova T.V., Tashchiev S.S., Kolesnikov S.I. The effect of the combined effect of microwave radiation from lead and oil pollution on the biological properties of ordinary chernozem. Scientific journal KubSAU, Krasnodar, Vol. 7, No. 4, 31-19 (2012).

16. Omirbekova A.A. The study of hydrocarbon-oxidizing microorganisms of the rhizosphere and rhizoplanes of plants: Dis. doct. Philos. Sciences (PhD). Almaty: KNU, (2015). - 128 pp.

17. Jabbarov Z., Abdrakhmanov T., Pulatov A. Kováčik P., Pirmatov K. Change in the parameters of soils contaminated by oil and oil products. Agriculture (Polnohospodárstvo), Vol. 65, No. 3, 88–98 (2019).

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Soil Science Commons



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