
Bulletin of National University of Uzbekistan: Mathematics and Natural Sciences


The article points to those parts of landscape of the Tashkent region that have become unfit for use in the economy - destroyed lands and their extension as a result of natural and anthropogenic factors.

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1. Vakhabov Kh. Evaluation and forecast of the formation of mining landscapes and the physical and geographical bases for their reclamation. Doctoral thesis in geology, Tashkent, (2001). – 48 pp.

2. Tomakov P.I., Kovalenko V.S. Rational land use in open mining operations. Nedra, Moskow, (1984). – 213 pp.

3. Wallwork K. The disturbed lands. Progress, Moscow, (1979). – 269 pp.

4. Eskin B.C. Reclamation of lands disturbed by open development. Nedra, Moskow, (1975). – 184 pp.

5. Sharipov Sh.M., Ospanov T.M. Ecological and economic aspects of reclamation of disturbed lands and creation of cultural landscapes. Modern problems of geography science and education. Materials of the Republican Scientific-Practical Conference, Tashkent, (2015).



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