
Bulletin of National University of Uzbekistan: Mathematics and Natural Sciences


In this paper presents data of researches about fiber length in the 4-5 species. The largest number of plants with the indicated analyzed trait in hybrid combinations, obtained with the participation of the Omad variety, appeared with a number of variations in fiber length at 35.0-36.0 mm and above. Investigation of 4-species hybrids of F2 and back cross hybridization allowed some improvement in the average value of trait when compared with F1. Despite the emergence of transgressive plants with fiber length 36.1-37.0 mm and above, the average trait of composite 5 species hybrids F2 remained almost at the level of F1, i.e. 35.5-36.0 mm. The greatest number of positive recombinants occurred in 5 species back crossing developed with the participation of Termez-31. And data about on tolerance of senior generations of cotton hybrids to cotton bollworm with different levels of (+)-gossypol in seeds. On the basis was obtained results, revealed that the level of (+)-gossypol in seeds does not significantly resistance to cotton bollworm, i.e. Confirmed the possibility of selecting new broods and lines of cotton with different levels (+)-gossypol and tolerance to Helicoverpa armigera. Results of researches of comparative resistance to Helicoverpa armigera among hybrids of different generations in petri dishes, it was established that progenies with a different levels of (+)-gossypol, a definite pattern is observed for affection. Genotypes with a low level of (+)-gossypol are affected by Helicoverpa armigera to a certain extent less than hybrids with high (+)-gossypol level. Although, the incidence of the initial accession BC3S1–1–6–3–15 with a high level of gossypol does not preclude the possibility of developing of resistant genotypes with a high level of (+)-gossypol, which requires additional researches in this direction.

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